thanks for the SUPRISE party for me and trina!;);):)
there was really alot of FOOD!!
-bens and jerry ice cream
-cute waffles
drooling over your computer?
too bad!
thats only for US!
hope we will all go US or even UK one day in the future together.
rachel, i am sure we will be friends still then.
our clique should be called CHOCOLATE-LIPPED
sounds unique and ALRIGHT to me.
everyone agree to that?
yep. we did put chocolate all over our lips as lipstick.
isnt it nice?

dont me and faith look like couples?HA!!
zoom in...


me and genia on the way to faith's hse.

watermelon rocks with CHOCOLATE!!!really.

just a sneak. genia says i look really girly in this..really? ok lar.
my this weekend is so packed with dates;)
friday - meet lydia for lunch and SHOP for mother's day's gift
- home for dinner for bdae celebration
sat- gb in the morning
- out with clique in the afternoon
- evening, concert
dont be mistaken, my birthday is not this friday or is it on 12 May.
its just that i am so buzy on sat and have the concert to go for in the evening.
hence, celebrating a day earlier.
personal notes to clique.
you are one of my LOOOOooooongest friend ever in sch!!! yeah! i am really touched by the powerpoint you did for me. bet it took up alot of your time. but still. i can feel the love in making the ppt. you are really so SWEET!! you have been always so nice to me since p2/3..yeah..and you dont really mind me coming over to your house so often in p6 and really appreciate every single thing that you do for me. i really will treasure our long friendship that is proven through all these years and all those little stupid fights we had. LOVE YA LOTS!!
you are one of the sweetest girl in our clique. doing small little things for me that i really appreciate it. like those little dirty jokes that really keeps my mood high. know you is my honour and getting to know you better is my privilege. yeah. i am serious. ;) and i like the way that you are straight forward and supporting me all the way. you are also cute in your own way like the tooms show. you didnt even dare peep..HA! but a god seeking girl like you have a long way to go for GOD!! promise to sing you a full ruien song when the time is right;)LOVE YA LOTS!!
its so sad how i only can get to spent time with you only 2/3 times a week during recess. and every recess is like only 45 mins long. and after that, we are back to our own class, busy with work and study. really cant wait for the JUNE HOLS to come so we can go out together and LET OUR HAIR DOWN!!! our new prefect in the clique...i am going to be SO SCARED OF YOU since you are the prefect now...HAHAHA!!! like real.. but that tie will look so werid on you. :) but i know you can do up to the standard of a good prefect. but you cant break the rules anymore..HA! thank you for doing all those small little things for me like even getting me that bottle of perfume from china when you were there in the hols...that means you have kept me in your mind through the trip...SO SWEET!!!! LOVE YA LOTS!!
MOO COW FAMILY!!! yeah!!!the girl who is always so stressed up in school and when she gets high, you can pull her down! you are so CUTE! ha. the way you do stupid things with me and you dont even think its funny. and how you laugh at my jokes when no one laughs at them, when they are no exactly very funny...yeah, but thats encouragement for more jokes right? HA! cant wait for another stay over at your house. thanks for always being there and just stone with me or even do all those rubbish me and STAND all my nonsense. i love you for who you are!!! LOVE YA LOTS!!
my FAT pig. aint you happy to be my pet pig??? HA! always taking pictures of everyone doing nonsense...and always abandoning us for your other friends during recess ... so mean. but you are always so hyper and try to make everyone talk when we are all eating.... remember, people dont chew and talk at the same time...HAHAHAH!!! cant believe there is such a person so close to me that has the same taste as me and i never knew!!! that means you have very good taste ;) thanks for everything that you did for me. like allowing me to buy those bags that you liked too;) LOVE YA LOTS
WOAH!!! you are that really quiet girl in front of everyone but you get really crazy when you are out with me. yeah. i really admit that all the siao-ness you are having now its all from me:) isnt it better to laugh more? you are always there for me when i am happy, sad, angry, stressed, etc. remember all those times we get so high on people that we will never make friends with??? thinking about it now, i still can laugh over it. its plain CHILDISHness....HAHAHA!!! you have good taste in guys ok... I AGREE!! just that mine's better ...HAHAHA!!! thanks for everything. LOVE YA LOTS!!
i will always remember you as the girl who dont wanna lent me your gameboy to play in pri4. i BEAR gruges ok...HA! i will also remember how you me and alicia will cheat every ting xie and lao shi never caught us...HAHAHAH!!!yeah. those were the days that we dont even know what stress and pressure is..HA! but now,we have lesser and lesser time to do all those WOAH things. thanks for everything you did for me;) yeah. really appreicate it.. LOVE YA LOTS!!!
complete all notes for clique..
i love today.
i am still very full from all the FOOD!!
muacks to everyone in clique.
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