today is so SLACKY MAN!!!
campus superstar rock!!!
yesterday competition was GREAT!!!
and i am so happy geraldine got in again...
star idol rocks too!!!
tmr tmr tmr!!! STAR IDOL!!!
i am so happy the ALICIA is the only female in the last 4.
she rocks.
she is so pretty pls.
and she do look like ruien in some angles..
right rachel?
most pple agree with me thou.

alicia is like both pretty and cute..HA!!!
i was like feeling super werid today.
i usually hate or in other words, dont have the habit of posting my pics on my blog.
but today, i feel the urge too.
i dont know why...HA!

those neoprints are with my cousins.
i jsut realised that i actually look quite kiddy.
maybe cos i am with a bunch of kids that's why.
and they are all taller than me.
freak mans.
no clique pic..
maybe one before someone comes and kill me.

i really cant believe she did so well in physic and bio lar.
trina.. i HATE YOU!!!
not only me.. VITORIA TOO!!!
freak you for scoring so high ok...
i must beat you the next round.
i cant wait for march holidays to come.
going shopping. going vera's house. going lydia's chalet party. STAYOVER with clique and lydia. go grandma's place and stayover!!!
yeah man.
i wanna work too.
but it depends if my march holidays are gonna be really pack or not.
faith was being so thick-skin to post what she wants for her bdae on her blog...
ha. wadever faith...HEE!
somehow, i really regretted and dun regret not joining the competition.
*close friends should know which one i am refering too*
i could have gain experience from it.
i should have tried my best to make my dream come true.
i would have prove to myself that i can do it.
i promise i will join the next one.
no regrets:
spent a lot of money on clothing and looks.
plus a lot of time on practicing and during the competition.
may not have the time to concentrate studying.
moreover i am in sec 3
i know vitoria, trina and rach kept on telling me that i should have joined.
yes. i am so sorry i didnt.
drill competition that day and i had a sore throat.
sometimes things just dont go your way you know.
vitoria: pls keep on smiling
i really dont want you to fall into depression
i dont want you to experience what i had experienced.
its really bad and you dont wanna know.
you just need to give yourself a break.
gtg now.
study study study.